Introducing The Big Picture
BOP loves movies. BOP loves data about movies.
In the years since our inception, we have assembled one of the most comprehensive collections of data on film that you'll find. By now, you might have spent hours browsing through our Awards section. Our box office database is a popular destination for those researching current and historical box office takes. BOP's Release Schedule gives you the who, what and when of upcoming films.
With The Big Picture, we roll all of this data into one convenient package. For this project, we've assembled, on one page:
- the upcoming films to which a star has been attached
- a look back at his or her recent projects, including the box office data for those films
- awards and nominations received
- and some brief autobiographical and career notes. Beware, we may just slip a funny in there somewhere.
Now you'll be able to easily get an overview of Charlize Theron's career. Or compare the recent success of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon.
You'll be able to access The Big Picture for talent through links in columns, as demonstrated above. Additionally, names of actors/actresses, screenwriters, and directors will be linked in the Vital Statistics grid at the bottom of each movie listing.
To begin with, we have prepared a Big Picture for the 150 biggest names currently in film. We'll add more over time. For those names not originally included in the initial 150, you will still be able to access their data through the links in Vital Statistics - their pages will just omit the career notes and a photograph.