Monday Morning Quarterback Part I
By BOP Staff
November 24, 2008
Seriously, WTF?Kim Hollis: What do you think will be the next "WTF" film, whose success shocks us this much?
Brandon Scott: Probably some other book series I haven't read. I am not shocked simply because of my ignorance of the topic until seeing some predictions for this weekend's haul. I am pulling for Despereaux to do well. I'm not sure if that would shock or not. If not, we are probably looking at something next year. For more information, read the Tipping Point and have Malcolm Gladwell break it all down. Even after reading that, it will still prove nothing.
Max Braden: I'll let you know as soon as I solve chess. My guess would be something from the children's book market.
Tim Briody: It's awfully hard to answer this considering that whatever it is, it's not even on our radar yet. But some group of people, somewhere, are currently salivating over it and will show up in force for it.
Reagen Sulewski: What demographic hasn't been pandered to recently? I'm going to go with something aimed at seniors.
Les Winan: Paging Reagen Sulewski...the director and producer of The Bucket List would like a word with you outside....
Jason Lee: While CLEARLY not in the same WTF level as Twilight, I'll go out on a limb and say that Slumdog Millionaire follows in the footsteps of Sideways and Juno and could end up with $60+ million. It wouldn't surprise me if it didn't ...but at the same time, I think that we've seen in years past that a really well made, audience-pleasing film can make a whole lot of money over the holiday season through the Oscars. Maybe Slumdog is this year's beneficiary?
Kim Hollis: I'll be one of the few people to go out on a limb here and guess My Bloody Valentine 3-D. The novelty of a 21st century 3-D horror film might be enough to make this one something special in the horror genre.
Jamie Ruccio: I don't know what the next biggest WTF movie is going to be but Twilight doesn't surprise me nearly as much as...Beverly Hills Chihuahua. Someone made a deal with Satan for that gross.
David Mumpower: Looking over the schedule for the next 12 months, the titles that jump out at me are I Love You Beth Cooper and Confessions of a Shopaholic. The former is a book whose growing popularity should peak at just the right moment for a movie version starring the cheerleader from Heroes. The latter is the type of novel that can prove to be at least another Bridget Jones' Diary if marketed the right way.