The Amazing Race Recap

By David Mumpower

May 4, 2009

I didn't even know they were such huge fans of Marcel Marceau.

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The makeover grows tense when Kisha and Jen are quickly followed by the arrival of Margie and Luke. While Jen is complimentary of her sister and they work smoothly together, Luke demonstrates that he has never wielded a mascara brush before. First, he almost smothers his mother with some sort of foundation (or flour?). Then, he puts on her eyeshadow in such a way that reminds her of Alice Cooper, a comment that immediately dates her a lot more than she probably intended. Margie is all the more aggravated by how smoothly their mortal enemies handle the challenge. The sisters finish well before their counterparts.

Meanwhile, Victor shuts his mouth and lets Tammy do the talking, which means they succeed on their second attempt. They are in first place at the end of the challenge. This takes them to the next cluebox where they discover a U-Turn. Unlike the other one this season, tonight's U-Turn is not anonymous. The brother/sister duo decides to target the other siblings, an unsurprising result since the sisters are the least popular remaining contestants. The other three teams have all been part of a nebulous but consistent alliance for a while now. This could easily set Kisha and Jen if the next challenge is quick. A 30 minute delay could be huge.

The Roadblock shows that the producers are a bit jealous of the Survivor crew. It's one of those disgusting "eat insects and vermin" competitions. Tammy's look toward Victor speaks volumes. She will not be eating grasshoppers on this particular day. He is good natured about the situation, asking for everything to be fried and wondering aloud if there is some ketchup anywhere. I don't envy his plight. I can't eat anything without ketchup. It's just not human to do so. That's God's own condiment and it should be readily available on every street corner throughout the world.


Humorously, word has gotten around town in China about The Amazing Racist. Jaime cannot get anyone to stop to give her a ride. What's beyond karma? Her behavior with Chinese cab drivers borders on being an international incident. She may become the first contestant to get her passport revoked in mid-race.

While Jaime and her much nicer friend struggle, Tammy tries to be supportive of Victor. She optimistically wonders if one of the things he is currently putting in his mouth, some form of starfish maybe, may be delicious. He glares at her and firmly states "IT IS NOT!" This ends the conversation portion of the meal. A few moments later, he completes the challenge and they make their way to the pit stop. They're going to win this leg by about a day and a half. Welcome to the final three, best team this season.

There are three teams who are not having quite the luck of Victor and Tammy. Jaime is repelling people as if she were a magnet. The sisters keep walking by the cluebox as they try to find the cluebox. And Margie and Luke cannot find their destination where the cluebox is right beside their mortal enemies. None of this is innately funny on its own...except for Jaime, of course. What makes it all very, very funny is that all of them have their faces covered in various colors of makeup paint. Lost people are not humorous; lost people wearing kabuki costumes/makeup are Steve Martin-level funny.

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5



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