The Amazing Race Recap

By David Mumpower

May 4, 2009

I didn't even know they were such huge fans of Marcel Marceau.

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Eventually, Margie and Luke find the location as well as the cluebox. At this point, they are overwhelmed with schadenfreude as they see that Kisha and Jen will be forced to perform the restaurant challenge. Margie would have a threesome with Victor and Tammy if they were standing beside her at this moment. Of course, they wouldn't go for it because she looks like a coked up drag queen right now, but I digress. The point is that Margie & Luke seem to be in good shape to make the final leg as long as one of them can stuff down some fried grasshopper.

Kisha and Jen finally discover the u-turn. This means unmitigated disaster to them although they don't realize it yet. They have to go back and do the restaurant challenge. If people who speak fluent Mandarin cannot do it, well, it won't be pretty. They are given the same meal orders as above. Their attempts at trying to relay these food items to the chefs lead to such mispronunciations as Monthly Use Taiwanese Chicken, Good Western Heads Lack Fish, Oil Comes Again to Please the Mouth (dirty!), Good Doll Basket Drum (this is the unofficial title for Saw VI), and Light Competition Red Dishes I've Played Before.

To their credit, they start writing things down phonetically and the editing makes it appear as if they get all of the answers correct on their third try. That's probably a bit misleading, but I consider their performance here to be admirable. Their excitement at their success is also indicative of the fact that they got done much quicker than they had feared. They may not be eliminated this week after all. Reinforcing this idea, they are the third team to arrive at the meal.

Victor and Tammy finish in first place as expected. Their reward is a trip to the Galápagos Islands. Not bad at all. Much later, Luke and Margie arrive, meaning that only one slot remains open for the finale. The question is whether it is the sisters or the cheerleaders who get it. Currently, the sisters are the favorites despite the u-turn.


Jen chooses to choke down the various local wildlife although the process is clearly draining to her. This is her chance at redemption after the swimming pool meltdown the previous day. Either way, there will be no fake tension this week. The cheerleaders arrive while Jen is in the middle of her meal. They note that Jen is breaking up all of the food into tiny, more palatable bites. She finds the food so distasteful that she is forced to drown it down with water, a process that makes her need to go to the bathroom. There won't be time for that for a while, Jen. Sorry.

Cara chooses to eat for her team and embarks upon a marvelous display of carnivorous brutality. Accepting her team's plight is desperate, the angel of team Angels & Demons (Sony owes me for that shameless plug of a May release) simply wants it more than Jen. Had her team not been trailing by so much, Cara would have finished off her competition right there and then. Instead, she only manages to cut the lead in half before Jen finishes and her team leaves. Kisha offers a nice display of sportsmanship by wishing her competitors good luck as the sisters depart. It appears that the cheerleaders are going home tonight due to Jaime's alienating the entirety of Beijing's taxi industry.

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5



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