Trailer Hitch
By BOP Staff
March 31, 2010
Hi and welcome to BOP's new style of Trailer Hitch. You're probably wondering what is going on, which is understandable. With Eric Hughes' implementation of his new column, Make an Argument, we've changed the format of his old column, Trailer Hitch, to make it a group effort. Instead of offering only one opinion on each new ad, we'll cull the discussion from the staff into a series of updates. Sometimes, there will be only one update and sometimes when a lot of new ads are released in a short period, we'll have multiple updates, much like we do with Monday Morning Quarterback and One Month Out. Today's conversation focuses on four major trailers with the first two contained here and the others in the other column, which will be posted tomorrow. We hope you enjoy the new format and we also look forward to implementing several new features that increase our interactivity with you, our readers, in coming weeks.
The Sorcerer's Apprentice – Opens July 16th David Mumpower: First of all, Jay Baruchel's agent deserves a tremendous amount of credit for getting him the lead role in three different movies. For a guy whose only show was canceled after one season all the way back in 2002 and who is mainly known for one joke in Knocked Up ("I shouldn't have gone in there."), this is one minor and two major film roles in a short period of time. We're in the age of the nerd and Michael Cera can only be in so many movies at once. Guys like Jesse Eisenberg and Baruchel are getting to fill his slack. Of course, as a fan of Baruchel, I'm okay with this. I simply have a hard time explaining it. Judd Apatow takes great care of his kids, I guess. In terms of how this movie looks, let's be honest that this is a different variation of Wanted. The slick visuals are the selling point, independent of how anyone feels about Nic Cage being given the keys to Disney's classic, Fantasia. And the visuals are phenomenal. Other than that, the main thing I take from this is that Cage has graduated from his role as the nerd in The Rock into Sean Connery's role as the grizzled veteran who provides tutelage. Somehow, I'm not expecting the same thing to happen to Baruchel in 2024.
Josh Spiegel: I saw this preview yesterday, attached to Hot Tub Time Machine, and I've gone past being annoyed that Disney has now moved past making movies from theme park rides to making movies based on segments in other movies, to just plain baffled. Cage looks like he's going to try some variation of insane here, and Baruchel seems appropriate for the role, I just don't see this movie being anything near the success of, say, the first Pirates of the Caribbean. The movie looks similar to National Treasure (big surprise, as it's the same production team), and those movies are just snooze-worthy to me.