Trailer Hitch
By BOP Staff
April 25, 2012
Felix Quinonez: I have to admit I was never that big of a fan of the original Total Recall but I loved the concept so I was actually excited when I heard they were doing a remake. And judging by the trailer, I have to say it seems like they got it right. There's plenty of action. Collin Farrell looks convincing kicking ass. The special effects look awesome. I feel like they made it look like they used to try to portray the future in ‘80s and early ‘90s movies but with a lot better special effects. And the cast looks really good too. I'm definitely sold!
Max Braden: Visually, this remake puts the original to shame and makes it look all the more campy. But I can't get behind the remake like I could for the original. 1990's Total Recall was all about summer. It was Schwarzenegger, Verhoeven, and Goldsmith. It promised everything over the top. Premiere Magazine actually made a point about comparing it to action movies with the highest body count. It was an event movie. The remake looks nifty, and I'll go see it, but it doesn't say Summer Event Movie to me like Arnold's version did.
David Mumpower: Based upon the impeccable quality of Fright Night, I am inclined to give Colin Farrell the benefit of the doubt on any remake/reboot of a 1980s film. This trailer appears much more loyal to the source material than Fright Night, as there are several moments here that could be described as old scenes with new skin. Then again, speaking of skin, this movie promises hot Jennifer Biel on Kate Beckinsale action, which is a strong marketing point in and of itself. The problem any sci-fi fiction feature released right now faces is that the tech has to appear significantly ahead of the curve. With videogame programmers, CGI animators and talented YouTube amateurs all jostling for position, this is a difficult task and I feel like Total Recall fails somewhat in this regard.
I do, however, feel that Total Recall is well cast and an engaging storyline that pulls the viewer in and as such I think it could do quite well. I would feel better about its chances if the trailer were a bit more exciting, though. The plummeting aircar is the only moment that grips me, although the initial fight would be thrilling to someone who has never seen the original. Max is absolutely right that this trailer isn’t popcorn cinema-y enough.
Kim Hollis: I have never seen the original film, so I have absolutely no basis for comparison. With that said, the trailer for the 2012 version of Total Recall seems fresh and exciting. Colin Farrell sells it, of course. I am totally with him every moment of this trailer and I expect that feeling to be easily maintained for a full movie. The visuals are fantastic as well, and I very much like the mystery of it. It may be mostly style and little substance, but the good news is that Farrell can often make the material rise above that sort of thing.