Monday Morning Quarterback Part II
By BOP Staff
February 20, 2013
Felix Quinonez: I'm reluctant to call audiences smart but sometimes people can tell when a studio is putting out a blatant cash grab and I think this was the case with this. I think the studio tried too hard to position this as the next Twilight that it just came off as derivative and the reviews didnt help much.
Edwin Davies: Firstly, I am shocked - shocked! - that Jeremy Irons isn't big with the kids these days. Am I so out of touch? No. It's the children who are wrong.
Secondly, I think it was pretty apparent from the trailers that this was an attempt to cash in on the Twilight phenomenon, but rather than giving it a funny, offbeat twist as Warm Bodies did, they just seemed to have made a slightly glum looking film about...witches or something? I think the studio overestimated how popular the books are, but more crucially they failed to put the central concept across strongly enough to make people want to learn more about the characters and their world. It all seemed quite vague. Say what you will about Twilight, at least that series put across its gimmick in a way which was concise and easy to grasp.
Max Braden: I didn't think the quality looked poor, or that the writing was cheap, but I thought the advertising did have a major flaw. I couldn't tell who was who or what the point was. Are they good? Is everyone supernatural? Is this a civil war or external clash? Twilight was at least clear about the vampires vs. warewolves central premise.
David Mumpower: With the other areas of discussion well covered, I want to focus on what I find important. That is my lingering dissatisfaction with what transpired here. I do not exaggerate when I say that the first time I saw the Beautiful Creatures trailer, I was sitting in a movie theater. I started laughing so hard that I really thought I was going to have to get up and walk out until I could compose myself. I am sexually aroused by the awfulness of these ads. My frustration stems from the fact that the reviews for Beautiful Creatures are nowhere near as atrocious as I had anticipated. They are like 50/50 positive/negative. I wanted a good old fashioned beatdown. I was looking for critics to grab their torches and pitchforks and burn some innocent establishments to the ground. I have been given no satisfaction in this. Beautiful Creatures was falsely advertised. I was promised one of the worst movies in recent memory. Instead, they delivered a mediocre one. This is simply unacceptable.