The Big Question
Release Date:
March 24, 2006
Limited release
This documentary asks a wide variety of people about their very intimate perception of God and divinity itself. What makes the notion behind The Big Question unique is that the directors specifically keep their sample size within the cast and crew of a religious movie project. Perhaps you've heard of it - it made more than $600 million worldwide, was directed by someone called Mel Gibson, and was titled The Passion of the Christ.
The particular question that is addressed is what the existential circumstances were that caused the individuals being interviewed to question God's existence and consult parents, pastors, siblings and teachers. The film has nothing to do with the making of The Passion of the Christ, but rather explores ideas and opinions from a variety of the people involved in the creation of a religious-themed project. Those questioned include Gibson himself, James Caviezel, Monica Bellucci, and many others who were involved on the set. The film will receive a limited release, but should draw the attention of those who appreciate religious themes and exploration. Given its association with The Passion of the Christ, it will likely develop some interesting buzz, as well. (Kim Hollis/BOP)